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More than ever, people are questioning the cost versus benefit of using the services I offer as a trained aesthetician. Other options, such as buying from multi-level marketing companies or sorting through products at department stores or online, seem more convenient and cost effective… on the surface. While some of their products are created by dermatologists and are of good quality, more often than not, anti-aging skin care regimens lack proven wrinkle fighters in their list of ingredients. One popular set sells for $160, includes a toner, wash and sunscreen, but doesn’t contain a single drop of anything reliable, scientific studies consider effective. That is a high price to pay for lotions and potions that fail to live up to their claims. It is commonplace for women to have thousands of dollars of unused and unsatisfactory products stashed in cabinets and drawers! There is a better way.

When a client first visits me for a consult, I examine his or her skin using special magnification and lighting. Often, my analysis is a surprise to clients, who have misunderstood their skin type and special needs for years. We usually begin a significant skin turnaround during that first appointment. After my analysis, I create a plan to accommodate the unique requirements of my client, taking into consideration numerous factors including goals, allergies, life-style, budget and other personal preferences. Over the course of treatment, adjustments are made based on what is working, life’s changes and even the change of seasons. My clients receive customized care from the first moment they sit in my chair.

Another advantage my clients and I both enjoy is access to amazing products and equipment. All of the skin care products I work with on site and sell for home use are thoroughly researched and contain proven ingredients. Some of these can only be used and sold in an office where a physician is present and available, because they are strong, and therefore effective enough to warrant that extra precaution. In addition to offering superior products, our office has invested in top of the line equipment, and I am trained to operate the latest in technology when I do facials, peels and other services. If, at any time, my clients are considering adding physician-performed services or procedures to their regimen, I can answer questions and set up a consult appointment with Dr. Light, our board certified Facial Plastic Surgeon.

After years of training, tests and certification, plus years of experience, I offer a level of skin therapy that goes above and beyond what most people settle for. No other Alabama aesthetician has the support and resources that result from providing care alongside a Facial Plastic Surgeon. Meeting the needs of people who trust me with their appearance with excellence and integrity is my top priority from the first moment we meet. Call to schedule an appointment to discuss your skincare goals and concerns and experience firsthand why customized care is worthwhile.
